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Special Expressions with Colors: Special Expressions with Colors (#2)

Dennis Oliver
#2: blue

Besides referring to certain shades or hues that everyone
knows, colors are also used in many idiomatic expressions.

Here are a few common expressions using the color blue:

expression meaning
blue (adjective) depressed
blue-blood (noun) someone from a noble
or aristocratic family
blue book

(1) an official report;

(2) a small paper booklet
used for examinations

blue-chip stock stock with high value
based on stability and
past sales
blue-collar worker factory worker
blue law law which forbids doing
certain activities on Sunday
blue nose a person with puritanical
religious or moral views
blue-pencil (verb) edit or censor using
a pencil which makes
blue-colored writing
blue print a kind of photographic
printing, usually of plans
for a building; it has
white lines printed on
blue paper
highest quality (because
blue ribbons are awarded
to winners of first-place prizes)
do something
blue in the face
do something until you no
longer have energy to do it
(and with no positive results)
men in blue policemen
once in a
blue moon
very seldom; very rarely
out of the blue describes something that
happens suddenly and
also unexpectedly
true blue very loyal
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