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Special Expressions with Colors: Special Expressions with Colors (#4)

Dennis Oliver
#4: red

Besides referring to certain shades or hues that everyone
knows, colors are also used in many idiomatic expressions.

Here are a few common expressions using the color red:

expression meaning
redhead someone with red hair
red hot

(1) something that is so hot
that it is glowing;

(2) very popular (slang).

red-letter day a holiday (because holidays
are often shown in red letters
on calendars)
red meat dark-colored meat such as
beef or mutton. (Meat which
is light-colored--such as veal,
pork, poultry, and fish--is
called white meat.)
red tape excessive, time-consuming
use of rules, regulations,
complicated procedures,
and formalities (for example,
government procedures)
catch someone
catch someone while he / she
is committing a crime
give someone
the red-carpet
give someone (especially
a very important visitor)
special treatment (see 
out the red carpet)
in the red losing money; showing
a financial loss
paint the
town red
indulge in excessive and
extravagant entertainment
during a short period of time
roll out the
red carpet
make lavish arrangements
(receptions, formal greetings,
banquets, etc.) for a very
important visitor. (The 
carpet is a long, narrow red
rug that is put down for the
visitor to walk on.)
see red become uncontrollably angry
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