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Special Expressions with Body Parts: Special Expressions with Body Parts (#14)

Dennis Oliver
expressions with hand

Here is another group of common idioms and expressions with
body parts. This time, the expressions use hand and hands:


handcuffs metal rings joined by a
chain that are locked onto
the wrists of prisoners
a handful

(1) the amount that can be
held in one hand

(2) a small number

(3) a person or animal
who / that is difficult to control

hand-made not made by machine
hand-me-down something (usually clothes)
which is discarded by one
person and then given to
another person
hand something down pass from one person to
another (often from an older
person to a younger one)
because of tradition or as
an inheritance
hand it
to someone
give credit / a compliment
to someone because the
credit / compliment is deserved
hand something on pass something from one
person to another
hand something out distribute something

(1) brochure or other
printed material which
is given without charge
in order to provide
information about a topic

(2) something which is
given as charity (often has
a negative or condescending

hand something over deliver or submit something
to the proper authorities
hand someone over deliver someone (usually
a criminal or someone who
has done something wrong)
to the proper authorities
hand over fist describes making money
easily and in large amounts
hand over hand using each hand alternately
(for example, when climbing
up a rope)
hand-pick carefully selected (often
with one particular person
in mind)
hand-work work that is done by hand,
not by machine
hands down

describes something that is
done easily and with little
or no competition

(usually describes winning

Hands off! Don't touch this! /
Don't bother this!
Hands up! Surrender! (Put your hands
in the air!)
handy convenient


Special Note:

In addition to meaning 'the part of the arm that contains
the fingers and thumb,' hand also has other common
meanings. Here are some of them:

1. to give something by using one's hand
2. a workman (at a factory, on a farm, on a ship
3. the moving part of a watch or clock that 
shows the hours, minutes, and seconds
4. the group of cards held by each player
in a card game
5. unit of measurement for the height of horses


next: more expressions with hand
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