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Nouns: Nouns #16: Special Names for Groups (#4)

Dennis Oliver

Nouns #16:
Special Names for Groups (#4)

There are actually many special quantifiers used for
specific nouns--but many of them are literary or
archaic ("old-fashioned") terms that were never very
well known and are certainly not well known or
commonly used today. Because they are unusual
and interesting, however, we've included a few of
the more colorful ones:
a bale of turtles a nest of mice
a band of gorillas a nye of pheasants
a bevy of swans an ostentation
of peaocks
a brood of hens a parliament of
owls / rooks
a cast of
falcons / hawks
a plague of locusts
a colony of ants /
beavers / gulls /
penguins / rats / seals
a school of
porpoises / dolphins
a flight of
doves / pigeons
a skulk of foxes
a knot of toads a sloth of bears
a leap of leopards a sounder of
boars / swine
a murder (or hover)
of crows
a string of ponies


Special Notes:

Remember that many of the above terms are not
well known or commonly used.
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