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Nouns: Nouns #10: Uncountable Nouns (Quantifiers #3)

Dennis Oliver

Nouns #10:
Uncountable Nouns (Quantifiers #3)

Because uncountable nouns in English do not have
plurals and cannot be counted in the normal way,
quantifiers are often used as a way of "measuring"
them. Quantifiers like someanya littlea lot of,
and names of the containers in which items are sold
are commonly used with uncountable nouns, as are
quantifiers which show measurements of weight,
volume, etc.:
measurement uncountable nouns
a fifth of _____ whiskey, scotch, rum,
other alcoholic beverages
(but not wine)
a gallon of _____ gasoline, milk, juice,
ice cream
a half gallon of _____ milk, ice cream
a quart of _____ milk, juice, ice cream,
motor oil
a pint of _____ milk, juice, ice cream,
motor oil, whiskey
an ounce of _____ perfume
a pound of _____ flour, sugar, coffee, beef,
hamburger, other meat,
butter, corn meal, cheese
a tank of _____ gasoline
a ton of _____ coal


Special Notes:


Quantifiers showing measurements may also be
used with countable nouns:

a pound of potatoes, tomatoes, other vegetables


Numbers and containers may also be combined
with measurements which are used as quantifiers:

a three-pound can of coffee

a five-pound bag of flour / sugar / potatoes

a 10-gallon tank of gas (gas tank)

Note that the number and measurement are
hyphenated ( __ - __ ) and that the measurement
is singular, not plural.

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