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Nouns: Nouns #7: Uncountable Nouns (introduction)

Dennis Oliver
Nouns #7:
Uncountable Nouns (Introduction)

Many nouns in English are uncountable: they do not
have plural forms and cannot be counted in the normal
way (one ___ , two ___ , etc.). These nouns are often
names for materials that have mass but cannot be
separated into units (for example, watersugarmilk).

Because uncountable nouns do not have singular and
plural forms, the articles a and an cannot be used
with them. Quantifiers such as some, any, a little,
and a lot of are used instead.


I want some orange juice.

Do you have any orange juice?

No, there isn't any orange juice.

I'd like a little orange juice.

We usually have a lot of orange juice,
but we don't have any today.

Note: Use any in negative statements and in questions.


Uncountable nouns can also be used without quantifiers:

She doesn't like orange juice.

Orange juice tastes better when it is fresh than when
it is frozen.

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