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Figurative Expressions: Figurative Expressions: as ___ as a(n) ___ (#4)

Dennis Oliver

The very common fixed figurative expression as ___
___ as a(n) ___ is often used in informal conversation.
Here are more examples, comments on meanings, and
notes on how the examples might be used:

as _____ as a(n) _____ (#4)

as right as rain: exactly right; 100% right.


Ho-Hyun says that Chicago is the capital of
the state of Illinois, but I think it's Springfield.

Am I right?

B: Yes, you're as right as rain. Chicago is
the largest city in Illinois, but Springfield
is the state capital.

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as snug as a bug in a rug: very comfortable; cozy

A: I think this probably wasn't a very good day
to go camping because it's going to get pretty
cold tonight. Is your tent going to be warm
enough for you?
B: Yes. I'll be as snug as a bug in a rug when
I get into my sleeping bag.

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as sound as a dollar: financially stable; financially
dependable; a good value

You don't need to worry about investing
in the XYZ Corporation. It's an old company
and it's as sound as a dollar.

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as strong as an ox: very strong; unusually strong

If you need help moving the furniture,
ask my friend Antonio to help you. He's
a very nice guy and he's also as strong
as an ox.

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as thin as a broomstick: very thin; unusually thin
(used to describe people). Note: a broomstick is the
handle of a broom. If a person were this thin, he / she
would be extremely thin.

Fred and his wife are an odd couple.
Fred is quite heavy, but his wife is
as thin as a broomstick.

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as thin as a rail: also very thin; unusually thin
(used to describe people). Note: a rail is a thin
piece of wood used to make part of a fence.
If a person were this thin, he / she would be
extremely thin.

Haven't you been eating? You've really
lost a lot of weight. In fact, you're as thin
as a rail!

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Special Note

There is no article before rain in as right as rain because
rain is an uncountable noun.

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