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Countries, Adjective Forms & Nationalities: Countries, Adjective Forms, and Nationalities (#10)

Dennis Oliver

The adjective forms for countries and the names for citizens of countries
are often confusing in English. This happens for two reasons. First, there
is no easy way to change a country's name to its adjective form because
several different endings are used for this purpose. Second, the words
for nationalities are often the same as the adjective forms, but not always.

Here is more information on names of countries, their adjective forms,
and the words used for their citizens.


Countries, Adjective Forms,
and Nationalities (#10)



Namibia Namibian Namibian
Nauru Nauruan Nauruan
Nepal Nepalese Nepalese
Netherlands Dutch Dutchman (men),
Dutchwoman (women)
New Zealand New Zealand New Zealander
Nicaragua Nicaraguan Nicaraguan
Niger* Nigerien* Nigerien*
Nigeria* Nigerian* Nigerian*
Norway Norwegian Norwegian



Special Note:

Note that two African countries, above, have very similar names:
Niger and Nigeria. In addition, note that the adjective and nationality
forms for these countries are also very similar (
Nigerien for Niger
Nigerian for Nigeria).

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